Spiritual Gifts

The Body of Christ - a phrase used throughout the Bible to describe the Church. While Christians have been forgiven and sealed for Heaven one day, the opportunity to make a Kingdom Impact is more urgent than ever.

In addition to having the hope of eternity, followers of Jesus also possess the Holy Spirit upon salvation, equipping individuals with unique gifts to advance the Kingdom of God.

The Church (the people, not the building!) represents Jesus' second body here on Earth. And we all have a vital part to play. As the hands and feet of Christ, it's our responsibility to point others to the Savior.

But where do we begin?

Spiritual Gifts - unique, personal, and essential skills for Christians. Given to Christians by God to advance the Gospel, no gift is more important than the other. All are required for the Chuch to be at its best. But we first need to identify our gifts and put them to use.


“But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift… when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love”.


At Rubber City Church, we're on a mission to Make Much of Jesus. And we can only do that with you in the mix.

Through our Spiritual Gifts Assessment, you'll discover God-given passions and talents as you seek to utilize your skills to bring honor and glory to the Lord.

Please allow 15 - 20 minutes to complete.